Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The WORD is expression
Choose two words.
Using letters create two different designs that visually represent the meaning, the feeling, the sound, and other aspects that you can associate with these words.
Word choice is important in that it will influence the
perception of the design as a whole. Do NOT use proper nouns.
Possible choices/example words:
disoriented, robotics, able, skillful, absolute, unqualified, antagonistic, uniform, affable, diffident, humble, dissonant, opulent, abundant, ample, artificial, hectic, mindless, accumulate, independent, magnanimous, authoritative, miserly, cautious, petulant, firm, harmonious, esoteric, calm, crude, copious, jagged, expensive, hierarchical, pernicious, furious, furry, barren, corpulent, atonal, vapid, viscous, gelatinous, 

Create two designs, each relating the essence of the word to the essence of the design. Each of your two designs should take strategic and compositional cues from lessons learned from previous assignments.

Consider the relationship of the type to the entire composition as it relates to the meaning of the word.

Words may be repeated in the design if compositional integrity is maintained.

-Designs should be 8.5 x 11.
-Your word must be in your composition and legible.
-You may only use these typefaces:
Century Schoolbook
Cooper Black
Gill Sans
Lucida Blackletter
Times New Roman
-Letterforms can be white, black and shades of grey.
-You must constrain proportions when scaling up or scaling down.  So hold down that shift key.
-No effects.  Only scaling, rotating and moving.
-You may not reflect or mirror your letters.

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