Monday, March 17, 2014


Choose one from the following illustrators and comic artists:
1. Honoré Daumier
2. Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa
3. Aubrey Beardsley

4. Jack Kirby
5. Will Eisner
Choose one from the following illustrators and comic artists:
6. Margaret Shulock
7. Milton Caniff 

8. Chester Gould
9. Harvey Kurtzman

10. R.Crumb
11. Jessica Abel
12. Julie Doucet
Choose one from the following illustrators and comic artists:
13. George Herriman

14. E.C. Segar
15. Lynda Barry 
16. Gary Panter 

17. Art Spiegelman
18. Marjane Satrapi
19. Charles Schulz

20. Chris Ware

From each of your chosen comic artists, you will paste three compelling images of their work to you blog. In addition, for each artist you will choose two full figure illustrations to study, each of the two a different angle.

Pay particular attention to line quality, the expansion and contraction of line weight with in a single line as well as the differences in line weight within a single illustration. Also consider the type and frequency of marks in your master studies.

In addition pay attention to abstraction in relation to "regular" human proportions, to abstraction in terms of accurate representation.

ILLUSTRATOR:Drawing Basics
ILLUSTRATOR:Drawing with the Pen, Pencil...

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