Monday, February 24, 2014

Simultaneous Contrast

Simultaneous Contrast

Simultaneous contrast refers to apparent changes in hue, value, and saturation that are created by adjacent colors.

In this exercise, your task is to make a single color appear as two different colors. Begin by placing two small rectangles of the same size and color on two backgrounds of different colors. Then, adjust the background colors to produce the most dramatic change possible between the two smaller rectangles. You will create four variations of this exercise organized onto a single 11 x17 design. 

Examples of simultaneous contrast:

In this exercise, your task is to make two different colors appear to be one and the same color. Begin by placing two small rectangles of differing colors on two backgrounds of different colors. Then, adjust the background colors until the smaller middle rectangles both look like the same color. You will create four variations of this exercise organized onto a single 11 x17 design. No words need to be on this page.

Examples for Exercise 2:

Upon completion of this exercise, two 11 x 17 designs should appear in your portfolio.

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